

A cognitive radio system for home theatre "5+1 audio" surround applications

14 years 7 months ago
A cognitive radio system for home theatre "5+1 audio" surround applications
This paper presents the application of cognitive algorithm for a stream diffusion in home theatre “5+1 audio” surround applications. We develop a wavelet-based method to efficiently estimate the spectrum and utilize its non-interference zones for unlicensed users transmission. We use the wavelet packet decomposition to detect frequency holes through power estimation of the subbands. Finally, we present an application scenario where audio information is coded by AC-3. Categories and Subject Descriptors E.4 [Data]: Formal models of communication General Terms Experimentation. Keywords Wireless data transmission, spectrum sensing, cognitive radio, wavelet transform.
Valeria Orani, Vlad Popescu, Maurizio Murroni
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Valeria Orani, Vlad Popescu, Maurizio Murroni
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