

SmartRE: an architecture for coordinated network-wide redundancy elimination

14 years 9 months ago
SmartRE: an architecture for coordinated network-wide redundancy elimination
Application-independent Redundancy Elimination (RE), or identifying and removing repeated content from network transfers, has been used with great success for improving network performance on enterprise access links. Recently, there is growing interest for supporting RE as a network-wide service. Such a network-wide RE service benefits ISPs by reducing link loads and increasing the effective network capacity to better accommodate the increasing number of bandwidth-intensive applications. Further, a networkwide RE service democratizes the benefits of RE to all end-to-end traffic and improves application performance by increasing throughput and reducing latencies. While the vision of a network-wide RE service is appealing, realizing it in practice is challenging. In particular, extending singlevantage-point RE solutions designed for enterprise access links to the network-wide case is inefficient and/or requires modifying routing policies. We present SmartRE, a practical and efficie...
Ashok Anand, Vyas Sekar, Aditya Akella
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Ashok Anand, Vyas Sekar, Aditya Akella
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