

Educating technophile artists: experiences from a highly successful computer animation undergraduate programme

14 years 9 months ago
Educating technophile artists: experiences from a highly successful computer animation undergraduate programme
Over the past few decades, the arts have become increasingly dependent on and influenced by the development of computer technology. In the 1960s pioneering artists experimented with the emergent computer technology and more recently the majority of artists have come to use this technology to develop and even to implement their artefacts. The traditional divide between art and technology – if it ever existed – has been breaking down to the extent that a large number of artists consider themselves to be technophiles. In truth this divide has never existed. Throughout history artists have always used and exploited whatever technology existed and frequently led the development of new technology that would allow them to express their creativity. For instance the ancient Greek word for art was “τ´εχνη” (techné) – the root for the word “technology”. The divide between the arts and sciences, which we consider to be artificial and harmful, was only introduced in the west...
Peter Comninos, Leigh McLoughlin, Eike Falk Anders
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Peter Comninos, Leigh McLoughlin, Eike Falk Anderson
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