

Web derived pronunciations for spoken term detection

14 years 9 months ago
Web derived pronunciations for spoken term detection
Indexing and retrieval of speech content in various forms such as broadcast news, customer care data and on-line media has gained a lot of interest for a wide range of applications, from customer analytics to on-line media search. For most retrieval applications, the speech content is typically first converted to a lexical or phonetic representation using automatic speech recognition (ASR). The first step in searching through indexes built on these representations is the generation of pronunciations for named entities and foreign language query terms. This paper summarizes the results of the work conducted during the 2008 JHU Summer Workshop by the Multilingual Spoken Term Detection team, on mining the web for pronunciations and analyzing their impact on spoken term detection. We will first present methods to use the vast amount of pronunciation information available on the Web, in the form of IPA and ad-hoc transcriptions. We describe techniques for extracting candidate pronunciat...
Dogan Can, Erica Cooper, Arnab Ghoshal, Martin Jan
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Dogan Can, Erica Cooper, Arnab Ghoshal, Martin Jansche, Sanjeev Khudanpur, Bhuvana Ramabhadran, Michael Riley, Murat Saraclar, Abhinav Sethy, Morgan Ulinski, Christopher M. White
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