An accurate model for pre-placement wire length estimation can be a useful tool during the physical design of integrated circuits. In this paper, an a priori wire length estimation technique for mixedsize circuits is proposed. The proposed technique is capable of predicting the wire lengths for individual nets, and uses both relevant factors used in previous research as well as new factors that can affect the net lengths in mixed-size designs. The proposed model’s main characteristics include reporting individual net lengths, suitability for mixed-size designs, and the power to predict preplacement net lengths before and after clustering. The net lengths estimated by this model are shown to be an average of 10% more correlated to after placement lengths compared to the most elaborated model of literature. The model can be used for a priori individual net length estimation and predicting the possible effects of clustering on lengths of individual nets during the placement stage. Cate...
Bahareh Fathi, Laleh Behjat, Logan M. Rakai