

An FPGA-Based Real-Time Event Sampler

14 years 7 months ago
An FPGA-Based Real-Time Event Sampler
This paper presents the design and FPGA-implementation of a sampler that is suited for sampling real-time events in embedded systems. Such sampling is useful, for example, to test whether real-time events are handled in time on such systems. By designing and implementing the sampler as a logic analyzer on an FPGA, several design parameters can be explored and easily modified to match the behavior of different kinds of embedded systems. Moreover, the trade-off between price and performance becomes easy, as it mainly exists of choosing the appropriate type and speed grade of an FPGA family.
Niels Penneman, Luc Perneel, Martin Timmerman, Bjo
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ARC
Authors Niels Penneman, Luc Perneel, Martin Timmerman, Bjorn De Sutter
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