

Eloquent JavaScript An opinionated guide to programming

15 years 7 months ago
Eloquent JavaScript An opinionated guide to programming
"Eloquent JavaScript is a digital book providing a comprehensive introduction (tutorial) to the JavaScript programming language. Apart from a bookful of text, it contains plenty of example programs, and an environment to try them out and play with them. The book is aimed at the beginning programmer ― people with prior programming experience might also get something out of it, but they should not read chapters 2 to 5 too closely, because most of the concepts discussed there will probably be nothing new to them. Do make sure you read the end of the first chapter, which has some essential information about the book itself."
Marijn Haverbeke
Added 17 Apr 2009
Updated 17 Apr 2009
Authors Marijn Haverbeke
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Basic JavaScript: values, variables, and control flow
Chapter 3: Functions
Chapter 4: Data structures: Objects and Arrays
Chapter 5: Error Handling
Chapter 6: Functional Programming
Chapter 7: Searching
Chapter 8: Object-oriented Programming
Chapter 9: Modularity
Chapter 10: Regular Expressions
Chapter 11: Web programming: A crash course
Chapter 12: The Document-Object Model
Chapter 13: Browser Events
Chapter 14: HTTP requests 
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