Abstract— Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks are a combination of mobile ad hoc networks and infrastructure wireless mesh networks, consisting of two types of nodes: Mobile Mesh Clients and static Mesh Routers. Mesh Routers, which are typically equipped with multiple radios, provide a wireless multi-hop backhaul. The more resource constrained Mesh Clients also participate in the routing and forwarding of packets, to extend the reach of the network. Current ad-hoc routing protocols have been designed for relatively homogeneous networks and do not perform well in Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks. In this paper, we present HOVER (Hybrid On-demand Distance Vector Routing), a modified version of the AODV routing protocol, that achieves significant performance improvements in terms of packet delivery and latency in Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks. Our modifications include a link quality estimation technique based on HELLO packets, a new routing metric that differentiates between node types, and ...