

Aspects of AJAX

15 years 7 months ago
Aspects of AJAX
"This book is about an AJAX Framework and an AJAX Engine for JavaScript, XML, SOAP, WSDL und ASP.NET using standard Web Services on the server. The basic elements for an application using the AJAX technologies, JavaScript and the XMLHttpRequest object, are not difficult to understand and there are many articles on the web that show how to use this object and declare that being AJAX. I think there are a lot more topics that should be understood and talked about. The right selection from the available technologies as well as a suitable abstraction in using these elements is important for the success of the realization of an application. One main goal behind the architecture of the AJAX engine was to build an AJAX framework that you can reuse every time you want some asynchronous processing or when you need a smart way to refresh information on the current web page."
Matthias Hertel
Added 17 Apr 2009
Updated 17 Apr 2009
Authors Matthias Hertel
 Chapter 1:       Asynchronous programming
Chapter 2:       Native AJAX Programming
Chapter 3:       ClientServer Protocols
Chapter 4:       The AJAX Engine
Chapter 5:       JavaScript Behaviors
Chapter 6:       Building JavaScript enabled web controls
Chapter 7:       Connecting Controls
Chapter 8:       AJAX enabled web controls
Chapter 9:       Visual Effects Library
Chapter 10:     Some HTML and http basics
Chapter 11:     Listings
Chapter 12:     JavaScript Proxy Reference
Chapter 13:     DataConnections Reference
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