

A Map Matching Algorithm for Car Navigation Systems that Predict User Destination

14 years 9 months ago
A Map Matching Algorithm for Car Navigation Systems that Predict User Destination
In this paper, we propose a map matching algorithm for car navigation systems that predict user destination. This car navigation system is a novel system that automatically predicts user purpose and destination to present various effective information based on the predicted purpose without user interaction. It requires not only the correct road links where the car drives in real time, but also the route from start position to current position correctly. Therefore, we have proposed the divided shortest path method that is enhanced shortest path algorithm. This method have some weak points that it cannot match several patterns of trajectory to correct road links. To solve this problem, we propose a new map matching method called dynamic division method. Key words sensor data, ITS
Koichi Miyashita, Tsutomu Terada, Shojiro Nishio
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AINA
Authors Koichi Miyashita, Tsutomu Terada, Shojiro Nishio
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