

Access Gateway Discovery and Selection in Hybrid Multihop Relay Vehicular Network

14 years 9 months ago
Access Gateway Discovery and Selection in Hybrid Multihop Relay Vehicular Network
—Vehicular ad hoc network protocol with hybrid relay architecture is proposed for improving the success ratio. Access gateway estimation and a probability table based on the routing information are developed and applied in the backhaul-connected infrastructure network in order to estimate the access gateway region where the destination node locates and reduce the transmission flooding in wireless and wired network. The proposed Access Gateway Discovery mechanisms and Access Gateway Selection scheme have been shown effective by the significant improvement of success ratio in NS-2 simulation based on realistic vehicular mobility models.
Shang-Pin Sheng, Ben-Yue Chang, Hung-Yu Wei
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Shang-Pin Sheng, Ben-Yue Chang, Hung-Yu Wei
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