

Development of Epicardial Mapping System for Studying Atrial Fibrillation

14 years 9 months ago
Development of Epicardial Mapping System for Studying Atrial Fibrillation
Epicardial mapping system is an important tool for studying electrophysiological characteristics of atrial fibrillation (AF). AF is the most common arrhythmia and is becoming more prevalent each year. Most in vivo experimental research on AF is performed by simultaneous epicardial mapping technique. An epicardial mapping system is developed to record electrical activities from 128 sites at the same time, with a spacing of 3.5-5.0mm. The initial purpose of this research is to display the electrical signals on the whole-atrial epicardial surface and store these data for subsequent analysis. 128 unipolar electrodes arranged in eight flexible patches were adopted to detect signal on the surface of whole atrium. Each electrode patch was designed to adaptable to the corresponding epicardial surface of canine atrium. The system contained an amplifier with 128 isolated channels and a data acquisition card based on USB communication. Random acquisition duration of interested data during sinus ...
Cuiwei Yang, Weijia Lu, Tuo Zhou, Xiaomei Wu, Zuxi
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where BMEI
Authors Cuiwei Yang, Weijia Lu, Tuo Zhou, Xiaomei Wu, Zuxiang Fang
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