

Deploying on the Grid with DeployWare

14 years 9 months ago
Deploying on the Grid with DeployWare
In this paper, we present DeployWare to address the deployment of distributed and heterogeneous software systems on large scale infrastructures such as grids. Deployment of software systems on grids raises many challenges like 1) the complexity to take into account orchestration of all the deployment tasks and management of software dependencies, 2) the heterogeneity of both physical infrastructures and software composing the system to deploy, 3) the validation to early detect errors before concrete deployments and 4) scalability to tackle thousands of nodes. To address these challenges, DeployWare provides a metamodel that s concepts of the deployment, a virtual machine that executes deployment processes on grids from DeployWare descriptions, and a graphical console that allows to manage deployed systems, at runtime. To validate our approach, we have experimented DeployWare with a lot of software technologies, such as CORBA and SOA-based systems, on one thousand of nodes of Grid’50...
Areski Flissi, Jérémy Dubus, Nicolas
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Areski Flissi, Jérémy Dubus, Nicolas Dolet, Philippe Merle
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