

Grammatical bias and building blocks in meta-grammar Grammatical Evolution

14 years 7 months ago
Grammatical bias and building blocks in meta-grammar Grammatical Evolution
—This paper describes and tests the utility of a meta Grammar approach to Grammatical Evolution (GE). Rather than employing a fixed grammar as is the case with canonical GE, under a meta Grammar approach the grammar that is used to specify the construction of a syntactically correct solution is itself allowed to evolve. The ability to evolve a grammar in the context of GE means that useful bias towards specific structures and solutions can be evolved and directly incorporated into the grammar during a run. This approach facilitates the evolution of modularity and reuse both on structural and symbol levels and consequently could enhance both the scalability of GE and its adaptive potential in dynamic environments. In this paper an analysis of the extent that building block structures created in the grammars are used in the solution is undertaken. It is demonstrated that building block structures are incorporated into the evolving grammars and solutions at a rate higher than would be...
Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CEC
Authors Erik Hemberg, Michael O'Neill, Anthony Brabazon
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