

Integrating Shadows in Model Driven Engineering for Agile Software Development

14 years 7 months ago
Integrating Shadows in Model Driven Engineering for Agile Software Development
Shadows are well known as a programming language feature in the application area of MUDs (a certain type of multi-player online game). We argue that agile methodologies can be enhanced by the use of shadows as this feature because of its inherent ability to dynamically change the behavior of classes and objects, provides mechanisms to ease common tasks such as prototyping, deprecating, dynamic classification and interclassing at run-time. Therefore shadows should be considered a notion beyond any specific programming languages in order to facilitate its use in model-driven software engineering. For this we introduce Shadows-UML, an UML extension, that would help to push forward the convergence between model-driven and agile methodologies.
Marc Conrad, Marianne Huchard, Thomas Preuss
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Marc Conrad, Marianne Huchard, Thomas Preuss
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