Vision-based m,otion captu.ring of hand articulation i s - a ch,allengin,g task, since th,e hand presents a m,otion of high, degrees of freedom.. Model-based approach,es could he taken to approach this problem. by searching in, 0. h,igh dim.en,sional hand state ,sppace, a,nd m,atch,in,g projection,s of a hand m,odel and im,age ohsemiation.s. fIouieaer, it is h,a,qhhj ineficien,t due to th,e curse of dim.ension,ality. Fortumately, nmturd h,and nrticu.lation is highly constrained, iihich, lar9ely redu.ces the dim,ension,nlity of hand .state space. Th'is paper presen,ts n, m.odel-hased m,ethod to h,an.d articu.lation, by leamin,g h,o,n.d nmturd constmin,ts. Our study sh,ouis th,at natu,ro.l h,an,d articu.lo.tion lies in a lower dimfension,nl config,u.ration,sspace charoxterized by a maon, of linenr m,an,ifolds spnn,n,ed by 0. set of basis con~jigu.ration,s. By inte,qratin,g h,o,n,d m,otion, constrain,ts, an, efficien,t articirlnted m.otion,-co,pturin,,qalgorithm, is propose...
Ying Wu, John Y. Lin, Thomas S. Huang