

A Practical Dynamic Frequency Scaling Scheduling Algorithm for General Purpose Embedded Operating System

14 years 10 months ago
A Practical Dynamic Frequency Scaling Scheduling Algorithm for General Purpose Embedded Operating System
Dynamic frequency scaling (DFS) techniques for real-time embedded systems have been widely studied. However, most of the scheduling algorithms so far concern only special purpose real-time systems. In this paper we devise a power-aware parameter task model for time-sharing real-time systems of general purpose, as well as a scheduling algorithm that is based on the task model. We implement the model and corresponding algorithm on embedded Linux. With the energy consumption measurement method presented in this paper, the
Tianzhou Chen, Jiangwei Huang, Liangxiang Xiang, Z
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where FGCN
Authors Tianzhou Chen, Jiangwei Huang, Liangxiang Xiang, Zhenwei Zheng
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