

Threshold Based Relay Selection in Cooperative Wireless Networks

14 years 7 months ago
Threshold Based Relay Selection in Cooperative Wireless Networks
— This paper considers two-hop cooperative relaying using multiple relays and proposes a threshold based relay selection protocol. In this protocol the relays are selected among those having received SNR higher than a threshold value. The relay selection is performed by the destination based on the received SNRs at the destination during the last hop. The exact bit error rate of this protocol is derived and it is shown that it achieves full diversity order. Unlike some other full diversity achieving protocols in the literature, the requirement that the exact/average SNRs of the source-relay links be known at the destination is eliminated using an appropriate SNR threshold.
Furuzan Atay Onat, Yijia Fan, Halim Yanikomeroglu,
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Furuzan Atay Onat, Yijia Fan, Halim Yanikomeroglu, H. Vincent Poor
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