

Near-Capacity Three-Stage Downlink Iteratively Decoded Generalized Layered Space-Time Coding with Low Complexity

14 years 9 months ago
Near-Capacity Three-Stage Downlink Iteratively Decoded Generalized Layered Space-Time Coding with Low Complexity
Abstract— This paper presents a low complexity iteratively detected space-time transmission architecture based on Generalized Layered Space-Time (GLST) codes and IRregular Convolutional Codes (IRCCs). The GLST combines the benefits of the Vertical Bell-labs LAyered Space-Time (V-BLAST) scheme and SpaceTime Coding (STC). The GLST is serially concatenated with a Unity-Rate Code (URC) and an IRCC which are used to facilitate near-capacity operation with the aid of an EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) chart based design. Reducedcomplexity iterative Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) is employed in the GLST decoder, instead of the significantly more complex Maximum Likelihood (ML) detection. For the sake of approaching the maximum achievable rate, iterative decoding is invoked to achieve decoding convergence by exchanging extrinsic information across the three serial component decoders. Finally, it is shown that the SIC-based iteratively detected IRCC-URCGLST system is capab...
Lingkun Kong, Soon Xin Ng, Lajos Hanzo
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Lingkun Kong, Soon Xin Ng, Lajos Hanzo
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