

Onset detection in pitched non-percussive music using warping-compensated correlation

14 years 8 months ago
Onset detection in pitched non-percussive music using warping-compensated correlation
Automatically extracting temporal information from musical recordings is inarguably one of the most critical subtasks of many music information retrieval systems. In this paper we present a system for automatic note onset detection in pitched non-percussive (PNP) musical sounds, which is the most challenging audio signal group for this task. We propose a new approach based on stable pitch cues and signal energy. A computationally inexpensive method for feature extraction, which efficiently suppresses vibrato, is combined with information derived from the signal energy in the feature space. Onsets are localized by a median filter based peak picking method. The proposed method is tested against a database of annotated violin recordings, covering a wide range of tempo and playing styles like vibrato and staccato. Our system outperforms prior state of the art systems with results for True Positives of
Olaf Schleusing, Bingjun Zhang, Ye Wang
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Olaf Schleusing, Bingjun Zhang, Ye Wang
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