

A method for locating multiple sources from a frame of a large-aperture microphone array data without tracking

14 years 9 months ago
A method for locating multiple sources from a frame of a large-aperture microphone array data without tracking
In this paper we present a new method for locating multiple sound sources using only a local segment of data from a large-aperture microphone array. The result of this work may be used directly or as an open-loop input to a tracking algorithm. The proposed method employs the provenrobust steered response power using the phase transform as a functional, agglomerative clustering, and low-cost global optimization (stochastic region contraction). Testing on real data from five talkers in a noisy environment, we show that, for each frame, our method finds correct locations of active sources under high noise and reverberation conditions without a priori knowledge of the number of sources.
Hoang Do, Harvey F. Silverman
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Hoang Do, Harvey F. Silverman
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