

Efficient language model look-ahead probabilities generation using lower order LM look-ahead information

14 years 7 months ago
Efficient language model look-ahead probabilities generation using lower order LM look-ahead information
In this paper, an efficient method for language model lookahead probability generation is presented. Traditional methods generate language model look-ahead (LMLA) probabilities for each node in the LMLA tree recursively in a bottom to up manner. The new method presented in this paper makes use of the sparseness of the n-gram model and starts the process of generating an n-gram LMLA tree from a backoff LMLA tree. Only a small number of nodes are updated with explicitly estimated LM probabilities. This speeds up the bigram and trigram LMLA tree generation by a factor of 3 and 12 respectively. Index: language model, Speech Recognition, decoding
Langzhou Chen, K. K. Chin
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Langzhou Chen, K. K. Chin
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