

Language recognition with discriminative keyword selection

14 years 7 months ago
Language recognition with discriminative keyword selection
One commonly used approach for language recognition is to convert the input speech into a sequence of tokens such as words or phones and then to use these token sequences to determine the target language. The language classification is typically performed by extracting N-gram statistics from the token sequences and then using an N-gram language model or support vector machine (SVM) to perform the classification. One problem with these approaches is that the number of N-grams grows exponentially as the order N is increased. This is especially problematic for an SVM classifier as each utterance is represented as a distinct N-gram vector. In this paper we propose a novel approach for modeling higher order Ngrams using an SVM via an alternating filter-wrapper feature selection method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique on the NIST 2005 language recognition task.
Fred S. Richardson, William M. Campbell
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Fred S. Richardson, William M. Campbell
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