

Unveiling Near-Capacity Code Design: The Realization of Shannon's Communication Theory for MIMO Channels

14 years 9 months ago
Unveiling Near-Capacity Code Design: The Realization of Shannon's Communication Theory for MIMO Channels
— In this contribution we show how Shannon’s coding theory could be realized for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels with the aid of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and the Maximum-Aposteriori Probability (MAP) algorithm. We review the relationship between the channel capacity, EXIT charts and the MAP algorithm, outlining the principles of designing near MIMO-channel capacity coding schemes. Both serial and parallel concatenated coding schemes are designed based on these principles and near MIMO-channel capacity performance is achieved.
Soon Xin Ng, Jin Wang, Lajos Hanzo
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICC
Authors Soon Xin Ng, Jin Wang, Lajos Hanzo
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