

Lightweight Security for Network Coding

14 years 8 months ago
Lightweight Security for Network Coding
Abstract—Under the emerging network coding paradigm, intermediate nodes in the network are allowed not only to store and forward packets but also to process and mix different data flows. We propose a low-complexity cryptographic scheme that exploits the inherent security provided by random linear network coding and offers the advantage of reduced overhead in comparison to traditional end-to-end encryption of the entire data. Confidentiality is achieved by protecting (or “locking”) the source coefficients required to decode the encoded data, without preventing intermediate nodes from running their standard network coding operations. Our scheme can be easily combined with existing techniques that counter active attacks.
João P. Vilela, Luísa Lima, Jo&atild
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICC
Authors João P. Vilela, Luísa Lima, João Barros
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