

Impact of Network Sharing in Multi-Core Architectures

14 years 10 months ago
Impact of Network Sharing in Multi-Core Architectures
As commodity components continue to dominate the realm of high-end computing, two hardware trends have emerged as major contributors—high-speed networking technologies and multi-core architectures. Communication middleware such as the Message Passing Interface (MPI) uses the network technology for communicating between processes that reside on different physical nodes, while using shared memory for communicating between processes on different cores within the same node. Thus, two conflicting possibilities arise: (i) with the advent of multi-core architectures, the number of processes that reside on the same physical node and hence share the same physical network can potentially increase significantly, resulting in increased network usage, and (ii) given the increase in intra-node shared-memory communication for processes residing on the same node, the network usage can potentially decrease significantly. In this paper, we address these two conflicting possibilities and study the...
G. Narayanaswamy, Pavan Balaji, Wu-chun Feng
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors G. Narayanaswamy, Pavan Balaji, Wu-chun Feng
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