

On the Longest RNG Edge of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

14 years 9 months ago
On the Longest RNG Edge of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
— Relative neighborhood graph (RNG) has been widely used in topology control and geographic routing in wireless ad hoc networks. Its maximum edge length is the minimum requirement on the maximum transmission radius by those applications of RNG. In this paper, we derive the precise asymptotic probability distribution of the maximum edge length of the RNG on a Poisson point process over a unit-area disk. Since the maximum RNG edge length is a lower bound on the critical transmission radius for greedy forward routing, our result also leads to an improved asymptotic almost sure lower bound on the critical transmission radius for greedy forward routing.
Peng-Jun Wan, Lixin Wang, F. Frances Yao, Chih-Wei
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Peng-Jun Wan, Lixin Wang, F. Frances Yao, Chih-Wei Yi
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