

DECK: Detecting Events from Web Click-Through Data

14 years 7 months ago
DECK: Detecting Events from Web Click-Through Data
In the past few years there has been increased research interest in detecting previously unidentified events from Web resources. Our focus in this paper is to detect events from the click-through data generated by Web search engines. Existing event detection algorithms, which mainly study the news archive data, cannot be employed directly because of the following two unique features of click-through data: 1) the information provided by click-through data is quite limited; 2) not every query issued to a Web search engine corresponds to an event in the real world. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing an effective algorithm which Detects Events from ClicK-through data (DECK). We firstly transform click-through data to the 2D polar space by considering the semantic dimension and temporal dimension of queries. Robust subspace estimation is performed to detect subspaces such that each subspace consists of queries of similar semantics. Next, we prune uninteresting subspaces ...
Ling Chen 0002, Yiqun Hu, Wolfgang Nejdl
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICDM
Authors Ling Chen 0002, Yiqun Hu, Wolfgang Nejdl
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