

Frequential and color analysis for hair mask segmentation

14 years 8 months ago
Frequential and color analysis for hair mask segmentation
In this paper, we present an automatic method for hair segmentation. Our algorithm is divided into two steps. Firstly, we take information from frequential and color analysis in order to create binary masks as descriptor of the hair location. Secondly, we perform a ‘matting treatment’ which is a process to extract foreground object from an image. This approach is based on markers which are initialized from the fusion of frequential and color masks. At the end of this process, we segment the hair from the matting treatment result. Results are evaluated using semimanual segmentation references.
Cevahir Rousset, Pierre Yves Coulon
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICIP
Authors Cevahir Rousset, Pierre Yves Coulon
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