

Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Structure based on planes parallelism

14 years 9 months ago
Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Structure based on planes parallelism
This paper focuses on the generation of physically valid views from two or more uncalibrated images acquired by standard cameras. The problem is faced without trying to yield a three dimensional reconstruction of the imaged scene, which would be unfeasible without the exact knowledge of the positions of the cameras in the Euclidean frame where the scene is to be described. Instead, starting from the previous works of Shashua and Navab on Relative Affine Structure [1] and the article of Fusiello on views synthesis from uncalibrated views [2] we propose a novel approach that does not require the presence of a plane at infinity to define the homography between two views but merely the parallelism between couples of planes. This allows our approach to be applied to numerous scenes where two parallel planes can be defined (indoor scenes, straight streets and avenues). Experiments with synthetic images illustrate the approach.
Stefano Tebaldini, Marco Marcon, Augusto Sarti, St
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICIP
Authors Stefano Tebaldini, Marco Marcon, Augusto Sarti, Stefano Tubaro
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