

On-demand hd video using Jini based grid

14 years 8 months ago
On-demand hd video using Jini based grid
This research establishes the feasibility of using a network centric technology, Jini, to provide a grid framework on which to perform parallel video encoding. A solution was implemented using Jini and obtained real-time on demand encoding of a 480 HD video stream. Further, a projection is made concerning the encoding of 1080 HD video in real-time, as the current grid was not powerful enough to achieve this above 15fps. The research found that Jini is able to provide a number of tools and services highly applicable in a grid environment. It is also suitable in terms of performance and responds well to a varying number of grid nodes. The main performance limiter was found to be the network bandwidth allocation, which when loaded with a large number of grid nodes was unable to handle the traffic.
Simon Kent, Peter Broadbent, Nigel Warren, Stephen
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Simon Kent, Peter Broadbent, Nigel Warren, Stephen R. Gulliver
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