

A cryptosystem based on palmprint feature

14 years 9 months ago
A cryptosystem based on palmprint feature
Biometric cryptography is a technique using biometric features to encrypt data, which can improve the security of the encrypted data and overcome the shortcomings of the traditional cryptography. This paper proposes a novel biometric cryptosystem based on palmprint features. In this system, the palmprint features, called DoG code, are extracted using Gaussian derivative filters. Then the Reed-Solomon error correcting technique and the logical XOR operation are employed to encrypt and decrypt the data. Experimental results show that this system can obtain a high security with a low false rejection rate.
Xiangqian Wu, Kuanquan Wang, David Zhang
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICPR
Authors Xiangqian Wu, Kuanquan Wang, David Zhang
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