

Detecting changes in multilayered orthoimages with spatiotemporal texture blocks

14 years 9 months ago
Detecting changes in multilayered orthoimages with spatiotemporal texture blocks
A problem of detecting changes in a region viewed by multiple overlapping cameras is addressed. We are exploring a background change detection method of multilayered orthoimages using spatiotemporal texture blocks. Each camera view is projected to create a spatially aligned multilayered background orthoimages. The multilayered orthoimages are subdivided into non-overlapping blocks, and each block is represented by a 3D texture map. Texture maps are dimensionally reduced with principal component analysis. Motion detection is performed on each block and nonmoving texture sections of the block are clustered into N-dimensional hyperspheres to discover changing patterns. The method evaluation is performed on publicly available surveillance video datasets.
Roland Miezianko, Dragoljub Pokrajac
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICPR
Authors Roland Miezianko, Dragoljub Pokrajac
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