

Ancient document analysis based on text line extraction

14 years 7 months ago
Ancient document analysis based on text line extraction
In order to preserve our cultural heritage and for automated document processing libraries and national archives have started digitizing historical documents. In the case of degraded manuscripts (e.g. by mold, humidity, bad storage conditions) the text or parts of it can disappear. The remaining parts of the text can be segmented and the ruling can be extrapolated with the a priori knowledge. Since the ruling defines the position of the text within a page, it can be used for layout analysis and as a basis for the enhancement of the readability. Furthermore, information about the scribe (hand) of the manuscript, its spatiotemporal origin can be gained by analyzing the ruling. This paper presents an algorithm for ruling estimation of Glagolitic texts based on text line extraction and is suitable for degraded manuscripts by extrapolating the baselines with the a priori knowledge of the ruling. The algorithm was tested on 30 pages of the Missale Sinaiticum and the evaluation was based on...
Florian Kleber, Robert Sablatnig, Melanie Gau, Hei
Added 30 May 2010
Updated 30 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ICPR
Authors Florian Kleber, Robert Sablatnig, Melanie Gau, Heinz Miklas
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