

Shape Matching by Segmentation Averaging

15 years 4 months ago
Shape Matching by Segmentation Averaging
We use segmentations to match images by shape. To address the unreliability of segmentations, we give a closed form approximation to an average over all segmentations. Our technique has many extensions, yielding new algorithms for tracking, object detection, segmentation, and edge-preserving smoothing. For segmentation, instead of a maximum a posteriori approach, we compute the "central" segmentation minimizing the average distance to all segmentations of an image. Our methods for segmentation and object detection perform competitively, and we also show promising results in tracking and edge?preserving smoothing.
Hongzhi Wang, John Oliensis
Added 15 Oct 2009
Updated 15 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ECCV
Authors Hongzhi Wang, John Oliensis
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