

The PARSEC benchmark suite: characterization and architectural implications

14 years 7 months ago
The PARSEC benchmark suite: characterization and architectural implications
This paper presents and characterizes the Princeton Application Repository for Shared-Memory Computers (PARSEC), a benchmark suite for studies of Chip-Multiprocessors (CMPs). Previous available benchmarks for multiprocessors have focused on high-performance computing applications and used a limited number of synchronization methods. PARSEC includes emerging applications in recognition, mining and synthesis (RMS) as well as systems applications which mimic large-scale multi-threaded commercial programs. Our characterization shows that the benchmark suite is diverse in working set, locality, data sharing, synchronization, and off-chip traffic. The benchmark suite has been made available to the public. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.0 [Software]: [benchmark suite] General Terms Performance, Measurement, Experimentation Keywords benchmark suite, performance measurement, multi-threading, shared-memory computers
Christian Bienia, Sanjeev Kumar, Jaswinder Pal Sin
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Christian Bienia, Sanjeev Kumar, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Kai Li
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