

Skewed redundancy

14 years 7 months ago
Skewed redundancy
Technology scaling in integrated circuits has consistently provided dramatic performance improvements in modern microprocessors. However, increasing device counts and decreasing onchip voltage levels have made transient errors a first-order design constraint that can no longer be ignored. Several proposals have provided fault detection and tolerance through redundantly executing a program on an additional hardware thread or core. While such techniques can provide high fault coverage, they at best provide equivalent performance to the original execution and at worst incur a slowdown due to error checking, contention for shared resources, and synchronization overheads. This work achieves a similar goal of detecting transient errors by redundantly executing a program on an additional processor core, however it speeds up (rather than slows down) program execution compared to the unprotected baseline case. It makes the observation that a small number of instructions are detrimental to over...
Gordon B. Bell, Mikko H. Lipasti
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Gordon B. Bell, Mikko H. Lipasti
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