

Support vector machines and dynamic time warping for time series

14 years 9 months ago
Support vector machines and dynamic time warping for time series
— Effective use of support vector machines (SVMs) in classification necessitates the appropriate choice of a kernel. Designing problem specific kernels involves the definition of a similarity measure, with the condition that kernels are positive semi-definite (PSD). An alternative approach which places no such restrictions on the similarity measure is to construct a set of inputs and let each example be represented by its similarity to all the examples in this set and then apply a conventional SVM to this transformed data. Dynamic time warping (DTW) is a well established distance measure for time series but has been of limited use in SVMs since it is not obvious how it can be used to derive a PSD kernel. The feasibility of the similarity based approach for DTW is investigated by applying the method to a large set of time-series classification problems.
Steinn Gudmundsson, Thomas Philip Runarsson, Sven
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Steinn Gudmundsson, Thomas Philip Runarsson, Sven Sigurdsson
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