Abstract. Compressive sensing (CS) is an emerging field that provides a framework for image recovery using sub-Nyquist sampling rates. The CS theory shows that a signal can be reconstructed from a small set of random projections, provided that the signal is sparse in some basis, e.g., wavelets. In this paper, we describe a method to directly recover background subtracted images using CS and discuss its applications in some communication constrained multi-camera computer vision problems. We show how to apply the CS theory to recover object silhouettes (binary background subtracted images) when the objects of interest occupy a small portion of the camera view, i.e., when they are sparse in the spatial domain. We cast the background subtraction as a sparse approximation problem and provide different solutions based on convex optimization and total variation. In our method, as opposed to learning the background, we learn and adapt a low dimensional compressed representation of it, which is...
Volkan Cevher, Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Marco F.