

DRIP: A Dynamic VoRonoi RegIons-Based Publish/Subscribe Protocol in Mobile Networks

14 years 9 months ago
DRIP: A Dynamic VoRonoi RegIons-Based Publish/Subscribe Protocol in Mobile Networks
—The publish/subscribe (pub/sub for short) paradigm is used to deliver events from a source to interested clients in an asynchronous way. Recently, extending a pub/sub system in wireless networks has become a promising topic. However, most existing works focus on pub/sub systems in infrastructured wireless networks. To adapt pub/sub systems to mobile ad hoc networks, we propose DRIP, a dynamic Voronoi region-based pub/sub protocol. In our design, the network is dynamically divided into several Voronoi regions after choosing proper nodes as broker nodes. Each broker node is used to collect subscriptions and detected events, as well as efficiently notify subscribers with matched events in its Voronoi region. Other nodes join their nearest broker nodes to submit subscriptions, publish events, and wait for notifications of their requested events. Broker nodes cooperate with each other for sharing subscriptions and useful events. Our proposal includes two major components: a Voronoi reg...
Quan Yuan, Jie Wu
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Quan Yuan, Jie Wu
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