

Low power/area branch prediction using complementary branch predictors

14 years 9 months ago
Low power/area branch prediction using complementary branch predictors
Although high branch prediction accuracy is necessary for high performance, it typically comes at the cost of larger predictor tables and/or more complex prediction algorithms. Unfortunately, large predictor tables and complex algorithms require more chip area and have higher power consumption, which precludes their use in embedded processors. As an alternative to large, complex branch predictors, in this paper, we investigate adding complementary branch predictors (CBP) to embedded processors to reduce their power consumption and/or improve their branch prediction accuracy. A CBP differs from a conventional branch predictor in that it focuses only on frequently mispredicted branches while letting the conventional branch predictor predict the more predictable ones. Our results show that adding a small 16-entry (28 byte) CBP reduces the branch misprediction rate of static, bimodal, and gshare branch predictors by an average of
Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, Peng-fei Chuang, David
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IPPS
Authors Resit Sendag, Joshua J. Yi, Peng-fei Chuang, David J. Lilja
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