

Integrating Joint Reviews with Automotive SPICE Assessments Results

14 years 9 months ago
Integrating Joint Reviews with Automotive SPICE Assessments Results
The continuous changes in customer requirements as well as the ever-increasing market-driven demand of innovation makes automotive software projects success strongly dependent on the customer-supplier communication and co-operation all along the software life cycle. Joint reviews and software process assessments (principally performed according to the Automotive SPICE model) are popular means used by car manufacturers and their suppliers of software-intensive components to face such a situation. Often these two resource-consuming techniques are performed in isolation, without being mutually supported. This paper presents an approach to integrate joint reviews with software process assessment results. The effectiveness of joint reviews depends on the degree of car manufacturer’s knowledge and understanding of the supplier’s way of proceeding in software development. We show how assessment results can be used as joint reviews inputs to support effectively the car manufacturers in con...
Fabrizio Fabbrini, Mario Fusani, Giuseppe Lami, Ed
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ISPW
Authors Fabrizio Fabbrini, Mario Fusani, Giuseppe Lami, Edoardo Sivera
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