

Exploiting Runtime Information in the IDE

14 years 9 months ago
Exploiting Runtime Information in the IDE
Developers rely on the mechanisms provided by their IDE to browse and navigate a large software system. These mechanisms are usually based purely on a system’s static source code. The static perspective, however, is not enough to understand an object-oriented program’s behavior, in particular if implemented in a dynamic language. We propose to enhance IDEs with a program’s runtime information (e.g., message sends and type information) to support program comprehension through precise navigation and informative browsing. To precisely specify the type and amount of runtime data to gather about a system under development, dynamically and on demand, we adopt a technique known as partial behavioral reflection. We implemented navigation and browsing enhancements to an IDE that exploit this runtime information in a prototype called Hermion. We present preliminary validation of our experimental enhanced IDE by asking developers to assess its usefulness to understand an unfamiliar softwa...
David Röthlisberger, Orla Greevy, Oscar Niers
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IWPC
Authors David Röthlisberger, Orla Greevy, Oscar Nierstrasz
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