

How Program History Can Improve Code Completion

14 years 9 months ago
How Program History Can Improve Code Completion
Code completion is a widely used productivity tool. It takes away the burden of remembering and typing the exact names of methods or classes: As a developer starts typing a name, it provides a progressively refined list of candidates matching the name. However, the candidate list always comes in alphabetic order, i.e., the environment is only second-guessing the name based on pattern matching. Finding the correct candidate can be cumbersome or slower than typing the full name. We present an approach to improve code completion with program history. We define a benchmark measuring the accuracy and usefulness of a code completion engine. Further, we use the change history data to also improve the results offered by code completion tools. Finally, we propose an alternative interface for completion tools.
Romain Robbes, Michele Lanza
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where KBSE
Authors Romain Robbes, Michele Lanza
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