

What's new? Message reduction in sensor networks using events

14 years 9 months ago
What's new? Message reduction in sensor networks using events
—Observing the environment is the raison d’ ˆetre of sensor networks, but the precise reconstruction of the measured process requires too many messages for a low power sensor network. The number of messages can be reduced by focussing on events relevant for the application. This paper examines three event definitions for a home automation example and compares the message reduction. In the extreme case, the number of transmitted messages drops from more than 3000 messages per node and hour to a maximum of about two messages per node and hour.
Andreas Köpke, Adam Wolisz
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where LCN
Authors Andreas Köpke, Adam Wolisz
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