

Using stochastic gradient-descent scheme in appearance model based face tracking

14 years 9 months ago
Using stochastic gradient-descent scheme in appearance model based face tracking
— Active appearance model (AAM) has been widely used in face tracking and recognition. However, accuracy and efficiency are always two main challenges with the AAM search. The paper therefore proposes a fast appearance-model based 3D face tracking algorithm to track a face appearance with significant translation, rotation, and scaling activities by using stochastic meta-descent (SMD) optimization scheme to accelerate the appearance model search and to improve the tracking efficiency and accuracy. The proposed algorithm constructs an active face appearance model by using several semantic landmark points extracted from each frame and then processes the appearance model search to approximate the model translating, rotating, and scaling by using the SMD filter to minimize the appearance difference between the current model and the new observation. We compare the results with both a conventional AAM and a Camshift filter and find that our algorithm outperforms both two in terms of efficie...
Zhidong Li, Jing Chen, Adrian Chong, Zhenghua Yu,
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where MMSP
Authors Zhidong Li, Jing Chen, Adrian Chong, Zhenghua Yu, Nicol N. Schraudolph
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