

Bit allocation for spatial scalability in H.264/SVC

14 years 9 months ago
Bit allocation for spatial scalability in H.264/SVC
Abstract—We propose a model-based spatial layer bit allocation algorithm for H.264/SVC in this work. The spatial scalability of H.264/SVC is achieved by a multi-layer approach, where an enhancement layer is bound by the dependency on its preceding layers. The inter-layer dependency is decoupled in our analysis by a careful examination of the signal flow in the H.264/SVC encoder. We show that the rate and the distortion (RD) characteristics of a dependent layer can be represented by a number of independent functions with a group of pictures (GOP) as a basic coding unit. Finally, a low complexity spatial layer bit allocation scheme is developed using the proposed GOP-based RD models. It is shown by experimental results that our proposed bit allocation algorithm can achieve the coding performance close to the optimal R-D performance of full search and is significantly improved from current reference software JSVM.
Jiaying Liu, Yongjin Cho, Zongming Guo, C. C. Jay
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where MMSP
Authors Jiaying Liu, Yongjin Cho, Zongming Guo, C. C. Jay Kuo
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