

DiffQ: Differential Backlog Congestion Control for Wireless Multi-hop Networks

14 years 6 months ago
DiffQ: Differential Backlog Congestion Control for Wireless Multi-hop Networks
Congestion control in wireless multi-hop networks is challenging because of two reasons. First, broadcast is an inherent feature of wireless networks and motivates many creative protocols including opportunistic routing and network coding. These protocols enable the use of many diverse, yet dynamically changing routing paths. Congestion control for these protocols using traditional end-to-end protocols such as TCP may result in too conservative rate control. Second, the wireless medium is shared among neighboring nodes; thus bandwidth must be allocated fairly among neighboring flows that do not necessarily share the same link. There have been no practical solutions for congestion control for these networks. Inspired by existing theoretical solutions of crosslayer optimization, we develop a protocol, called DiffQ, for congestion control in wireless multi-hop networks. DiffQ can support congestion control for network flows that use either single-path or opportunistic multi-path routin...
Ajit Warrier, Sangtae Ha, P. Wason, Injong Rhee, J
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Ajit Warrier, Sangtae Ha, P. Wason, Injong Rhee, J. H. Kim
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