

Apriori-LLR-Threshold-Assisted K-Best Sphere Detection for MIMO Channels

14 years 9 months ago
Apriori-LLR-Threshold-Assisted K-Best Sphere Detection for MIMO Channels
—When the maximum number of best candidates retained at each tree search level of the K-Best Sphere Detection (SD) is kept low for the sake of maintaining a low memory requirement and computational complexity, the SD may result in a considerable performance degradation in comparison to the full-search based Maximum Likelihood (ML) detector. In order to circumvent this problem, in this contribution we propose a novel complexity-reduction scheme, referred to as the Apriori-LLRThreshold (ALT) based technique for the K-best SD, which was based on the exploitation of the a priori LLRs provided by the outer channel decoder in the context of iterative detection aided channel coded systems. For example, given a BER of 10−5 , a nearML performance is achieved in an (8×4)-element rank-deficient 4-QAM system, despite imposing a factor two reduced detection candidate list generation related complexity and a factor eight reduced extrinsic LLR calculation related complexity, when compared to th...
Li Wang, Lei Xu, Sheng Chen, Lajos Hanzo
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where VTC
Authors Li Wang, Lei Xu, Sheng Chen, Lajos Hanzo
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