

Arbutus: Network-Layer Load Balancing for Wireless Sensor Networks

14 years 8 months ago
Arbutus: Network-Layer Load Balancing for Wireless Sensor Networks
—The hot spot problem is a typical byproduct of the many-to-one traffic pattern that characterizes most wireless sensor networks: the nodes with the best channel to the sink are overloaded with traffic from the rest of the network and experience a faster energy depletion rate than their peers. Routing protocols for sensor networks typically use a reliability metric to avoid lossy links and thus directly exacerbate the problem. Significant advantages can be obtained by embedding a load balancing scheme at the network layer, as we show with the design and implementation of Arbutus, a novel routing protocol for wireless sensor networks with a built-in load balancing scheme. By imposing a special structure on the collection tree, privileging longer hops, and accounting for network load in the route selection process, Arbutus reduces the impact of hot spots on network lifetime without a deterioration of the end-toend reliability performance. An implementation of Arbutus on Berkeley motes...
Daniele Puccinelli, Martin Haenggi
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where WCNC
Authors Daniele Puccinelli, Martin Haenggi
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